Young children (age 3-5) are invited to a high-quality and age appropriate Christian education on a sustained basis. You'll find a safe and stimulating classroom atmosphere that helps children develop to their social, emotional, intellectual and physical potential. The preschool program also features field trips and special speakers. Chapel time with Children's Director Tonya Ball occurs on a weekly basis.
Preschool meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
9:00 AM-12:00 PM (half day) | 9:00 AM -3:00 PM (full day)
Registration Fees
One Child: $30
Two or More: $50
To be paid at the beginning of the month
Full Day: $300/ month
Half Day $200/ month
Wyatt Park Christian Church is pleased to offer a program that offers parents some time away from their children, while also enjoying the security of knowing that the children are receiving excellent care in a Christian environment.
Tuesday and/or Thursday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. (30 min. before and after care available)
Available for children between 1 and 5 years of age
Registration Fees
One Child: $30
Two or More: $50
1 Child: $30/ day
2 Children: $59/ day
3 Children: $87/ day
For further information about PARENT’S DAY OUT or CHRISTIAN FRIENDS' PRESCHOOL, please call 816-232-2883.
Would you like to apply for a position with our Parent's Day Out Program? We are currently taking applications and you can come into the preschool office at the church and receive a paper application from our director.